We help you SCALE your WELLNESS CAREER.​

Wellness Pros Workshop with Cate in Mexico

We guide wellness pros to raise the bar on their impact and profit, by leading from their wellness lifestyle.

The 7 Keys to our History

Key 1: Circadian Rhythm

It all started back in 2001 when I (Cate Stillman) completed a few hardcore holistic healer certifications and hung a shingle as Yogahealer.com. I learned everything I could to get people to results. In the process, I learned that daily modern habits cause chronic inflammation which causes chronic imbalances which become disease. And it’s preventable and relatively easy to fix, so that is what I wrote a book on (BODY THRIVE) and built a coaching club around.

Key 2: The Club Model

I continued to also offer high-end 1-1 work. My club members got better results at a fraction of the price. They also met their future best friends – because they were meeting people who were also evolving in real-time. People came not just for the wisdom, but for the camaraderie and mastermind effect. My time was better leveraged with the club model. We priced based on results, around $5k/year). And then, something else started to happen.

Key 3: Pilot a Club

Wellness pros came to us for training in our club model in 2012. I discovered that highly skilled wellness pros didn’t know how to start a club, to guide a journey to results, to cultivate a connoisseur experience. I broke the steps into bits and guided the pros to launch pilots, ‘earning while learning’ the club model. They loved the model, but most didn’t have the sales skills to sell out their pilot (beta) club.

Key 4: Investment Conversations

Eager to guide our wellness pros to sell out seats in their clubs, we discovered we needed a low-tech, step-by-step strategy, that didn’t involve paid advertising. Established wellness pros already have a clientele. What they really needed was a simple process to sell out seats. Conversational enrollment had to shift investment beliefs to sell out club seats. We guided our wellness pros in “cost of inflammation” sessions, and a simple low-tech lead generation funnel to sell out seats.

Key 5: Infrastructure for Dynamic Groups

Once the seats were sold and pilot kicked off, our wellness pros had already earned a return on investment with us. Following our club training, our wellness pros guided their members to results quickly. Yet, there was another missing skillset that limited their ability to leverage their time while empowering their members. The traditional leader-in-the-front model didn’t work. Our wellness pros needed new tools, and skills using those tools, to get better results faster for their members. We found the most effective tools to activate new members into the dynamic group and develop leaders within clubs. As our wellness pros adopted these tools with their clubs, it lightened the load on the wellness pro as leader. Their members got healthier faster on all levels – physically, mentally, spiritually, relationally. As our wellness pros adopted our skillset for dynamic groups, their clubs evolved. As their clubs evolved, we trained them to build infrastructure to scale impact, and profit, while upleveling their wellness lifestyle.

Key 6: 4 Sets

As our club of Wellness Pros evolved, we found that the most successful of them had taken quickly to upgrading 4 sets by joining us. The 4 sets are: People set, Skillset, Toolset, and Mindset. We doubled down on helping each new member identify their gaps. Most had a skillset gap in lead generation, sales, and dynamic groups. Many didn’t have the tools to run a dynamic group (toolset). Once they knew which gaps to upgrade, they stopped self-doubt and got to the right work in real time.

Key 7: Simplicity Scales

While not all wellness pros want to scale, those that did, realized that the club model, as we teach it, scales. Wellness pros who worked with us ten years ago use the same club model. The club model evolved with their wisdom. Most scaled their wellness lifestyle, which for some meant location-independence, and others meant buying their time back from their company by architecting a self-managing team as we do behind the scenes as Wellness Pro Academy and our club model at Club Thrive.

who we work with


Holistic Healers

Mental Health Therapists

Body Wisdom + Movement leaders

Biohacker Coaches (Functional medicine, functional movement, epigenetic)

Body + Energy healers

Inspired, not Retired




Who we LEAD

We help those guiding the journey to thrive. We only work with experienced wellness pros with at least a few years in their business. People who join the waitlist include holistic healers, practitioners, doctors, guides, movement teachers, mental and somatic therapists, functional and epigenetic medicine coaches, gym owners, pilates gurus and occasionally curanderas and shamans.


Our wellness pros have the wisdom to want to scale impact/income/influence. We solve the problem the business model, systems, tools, community and coaching to get to scale. When wellness pros find us, they are either ready to grow from integrity and integration of their embodied wisdom.

We guide wellness pros to earn a premium by guiding their uniquely differentiated transformational life-changing experience.


This is the CLUB MODEL.

Our 7 Convictions

“CLUB” is the ultimate balance between profit, client results, and wellness pro lifestyle design. To achieve this balance our 7 convictions are the backbone:


Wellness Pros come from many backgrounds with unique combinations of embodied wisdom, training and titles.


The more successful wellness pros in a community the more the community thrives.


Wellness Pros are essential for the human species and the planet to thrive.


Wellness Pros must thrive in their lifestyle, daily rhythm and habits to lead by example.


People want to belong to a club that bolsters exactly how they want ot grow next. People want to experience thrive faster than ever. And many people are currently hurting in a state of chronic inflammation. (#1 global killer)


Chronic inflammation is diet and lifestyle driven. Wellness pros need to guide clients/patients/members quickly and effectively to reverse chronic inflammation, and experience regeneration.


When Wellness Pros adopt the low-tech “CLUB” lean business model they easily double their earnings, can scale if desired, uplevel their easeful lifestyle, and honestly lead by example. They design their “club” from their unique expertise.

As a wellness pro, you are the experience economy’s dream come true. You are the connection economy’s longing to belong. It’s time for you to show up. It’s time to lead from your edge....

We're in the

connection economy.

Influence economy

Experience economy.

Collaboration economy

Our mission is to guide our members to LEAD their members true to their purpose and thrive from leading from their wellness lifestyle

wellness pros in the club @
wellness pro academy
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Boost your product and service’s credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who’ve tried it is invaluable.

- Powell Finwood

Boost your product and service’s credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who’ve tried it is invaluable.


Boost your product and service’s credibility by adding testimonials from your clients.

- Ingrid Correa

Boost your product and service’s credibility by adding testimonials from your clients.

- Hannah Elmore

wellness pros should guide the journey to results.

WPA Coaching team