If you're not
from your wellness lifestyle...

...you're leaving

money on the mat.


You should be.
Let's find the money on the mat...
and the free time for you to live from lifestyle.

Which is YOUR biggest issue today?

ok. now that you've identified your biggest issue,
which are you?

Impact Leader?


Inspired... not Retired?

Now, you know your issue and your type.
The next questions are...

If you were to lead members to results... how would you design the journey ?

What would the vibe be like?

Which habits would be the bedrock?

What would need to be true for members to get results with you on a 1 year journey?

Is it time for a smarter career?

THE CLUB model... with... cate stillman

(your life, your work, or your impact)

Clarify your client journey.Name the results, the process, the habits.Package the member journey.Price the member journey.Wrap your head around CLUB.

What will be your breakthrough?

is your offer outdated ?

Is your pricing not based on results ?

Are youR leadership skills outdated ?

uplevel your wellness career


4 hour training to

unleash your potential.

Are you a wellness pros who get referrals, has a clientele and is ready to earn more, work less, and lead the journey to wellness from your lifestyle?

We are about a low overhead, high impact, high profit, wellness-focused wellness career.


Sounds simple.


And it is.


This four hour training (split into short, life-changing lessons) guides you through the process we use at WELLNESS PRO ACADEMY. We guide wellness pros to the next level of their careers… and enhance their wellness lifestyle.


Sound good?


If so, get the training. I’ll guide you in just a few hours to set up:


  1. How to Grow your Time & Money
  2. Your Journey or Package
  3. Your Pricing
  4. Your prospects
  5. Your schedule
  6. Your VIP package.

There is nothing else like this.

WHAT happens in this 4 hour training?


Get an eagle eye view on the transformation only you can guide


Cate will show you how to package your leadership into a journey, a club, a membership.


The lifetime value of the transformation has a price. Let's find it, together.

THIS training only works... if you do it.
We'll guide you through it.


Howdy I'm

Cate Stillman

Global leader and thought leader, healer, writer, coach, gen x entrepreneur, and CLUB THRIVE founder devoted to guiding wellness pros to experience their potential and unleash their impact.

led by



lead from thrive

lead to results

If you know you want to work with CATE and shape-shift your wellness career into the next level...


wellnEss pro academy

Curious? Get on the waitlist.

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It helped me clarify my potential and form a vision of what I could accomplish, and validated the importance of making that vision a reality for myself and for others who need help on their wellness journey.

kari van houten

It gave me deeper understanding of leading dynamic groups and incorporating all that I know into an exciting program for my clients. Cate Stillman is always inspiring to listen to. This program is a great way to expand your business. I highly recommend!

jamye richardson

I'm happy I had the opportunity to join this course and will take with me the information I learned to go forth and become an increasingly abundant Ayurvedic Counselor. Perhaps the one thing that really helped shape my vision is who my focus group really is! Thank-you.

rebecca lee huck

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